Friday, March 06, 2009

Practice, Practice, Practice

Ah yes, the three P's. I have been practising daisy beads. I love the flower beads made by Cassie Donlen and Julie so here is my first attempt. You will have to excuse the bead poop (technical term for the bead release you can see in the hole of the beads), I don't think these will make it as far as the kiln.

My time at the torch is even more limited at the moment depending on how I feel day to day. however, this is the result of the next session:

I think my best effort so far is the large green flower (top right).

Mum and I had a lovely day together last weekend felting. One of my Christmas presents was a workshop in the lovely Shaftesbury shop StitchnCraft. I really enjoy trying my hand at different crafts and although it was a very enjoyable day I don't think felting is my thing. Here is a shot of the first peice I made:

We had to layer up little bits of Merino wool tops then added some strands of textured wool. This is done on a piece of sushi mat (in our case) some bubble wrap and net curtain. Add plenty of soapy water and roll and rub. That's a very condensed and simplified version of what we did anyway. The second piece I made was incorporated into my third piece:

My second piece was pinks and purples. The third piece was plain brown. The second piece was cut into squares then laid onto the brown piece and then felted in. I had thought it might become a cusion cover but in reality it will probably just find its way to the back of the cupboard...

Happy creating.

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